Addiction Dictionary
ABSTINENCE: Not using by choice especially drugs.
ACCEPT: To agree, consider, or hold to be true.
ACCEPTANCE: The mental attitude that something is believable and should be accepted as true.
ACCLAMATION: Enthusiastic approval, without dissent.
ACHIEVE: To get by means of one’s own efforts
ACKNOWLEDGE: To admit the truth or existence.
ACTIVE LISTENING: The ability to use all of one’s senses to hear what someone is conveying not just hearing.
ACQUIRE: To get especially by one’s own efforts.
ACTION: The doing of something or something done.
ACTIVE: Producing or involving action or movement.
ADDICT: A person who has an obsessive and compulsive need for something such as drugs.
ADDICTION: A physical, mental, and spiritual disease that is characterized an obsession to use the drugs that are destroying us, followed by a compulsion that forces us to continue.
ADMISSION: An admitting of something that has not been proven.
ADMIT: To make known, usually with some unwillingness.
ADVERSITY: Hard times.
ADVICE: Suggestions about a decision or action.
AFRAID: Filled with fear.
AGE: The time from birth to a specified time.
ALIENATE: To cause one who used to be friendly or loyal to become unfriendly or disloyal.
ALIENATION: The act of alienating or one who has been alienated.
ALTERNATIVE: A chance to choose between things or one of the things between which a choice can be made.
AMENDS: Something done or given by a person to make up for a loss or injury one has caused.
ANGER: A strong feeling of displeasure and often with active opposition to an insult, injury, or injustice.
ANGUISH: Great pain or trouble of body or mind.
ANONYMITY: The state of having set aside personal considerations of being named or identified for some greater good, practicing principles before personalities.
ANONYMOUS: Not named or identified, equal in status and importance.
ANTIDOTE: Something used to reverse or prevent the action of a poison.
ANTI-SOCIAL: Hostile toward society, unfriendly.
ANXIETY: Fear or nervousness about what might happen.
APATHY: Lack of feeling or of interest, indifference.
APPARENT: Appearing to be real or true.
APPRAISAL: The act of setting a value on something.
APPRECIATION: The awareness or understanding of the worth or value of something.
APPROPRIATE: Especially suitable.
APPROVAL-SEEKING: Seeking to be accepted as satisfactory.
ARISE: To come into existence.
ARRESTED: The state of having the progress stopped, as with a disease.
ARROGANCE: A sense of one’s own importance that shows itself in a proud and insulting manner
ASPECT: A certain way in which something appears or may be thought of.
ASPIRATION: A strong desire to achieve something high or great.
ASSUME: To pretend to have or be.
ASSURANCE: The state of being certain or having confidence in one’s own self.
ATMOSPHERE: A surrounding influence or set of conditions.
ATTACHMENT: Connection by feelings of affection or regard or the connection by which one thing is joined to another.
ATTEMPT: To try to do something.
ATTITUDE: A feeling or opinion about a certain fact or situation.
ATTRACTION: The state of being attracted or pleased or something that attracts or pleases.
ATTRIBUTE: A quality belonging to a particular person or thing.
AUTONOMOUS: Self-governing, free from outside control yet limited within the Fellowship by the Twelve Traditions.
AVOID: To keep away from.
AWAKE: To become conscious or aware of something.
AWAKEN: To awake.
AWAKENING: The state of becoming awake.
AWARENESS: Having or showing understanding or knowledge of something.
BAFFLED: Defeated or held in check by confusion.
BALANCE: To make things equal or the state of equality.
BECOME: To grow to be.
BEHAVIOR: The way in which one conducts oneself.
BELIEF: Something that one thinks is true.
BLAMING: The state of placing responsibility on others for something that fails.
BOND: A force or influence that brings or holds together.
BOREDOM: The state of being weary and restless when things are uninteresting.
BUGABOOS: Something that one is afraid of.
BUOYANT: Light-hearted and cheerful.
BURDEN: Something that is hard to take.
BUT: Term expressing a comparison or difference between general theory and personal application.
CARING: A heavy feeling of interest, concern, or responsibility.
CARRY THE MESSAGE: To demonstrate with words and actions the benefits of living the program of NA.
CHANGE: To make or become different, alter from a former state.
CHAOS: A state of complete confusion and disorder in which one can become physically stimulated.
CHARACTER DEFECTS: Those things that drain us of all our time and energy while causing pain and misery all our lives.
CHARACTERISTIC: A special quality or appearance that is a part of a person’s over-all character.
CLEAN: Total abstinence from all drugs, no exceptions.
CLING: Remaining emotionally or intellectually attached to something that one believes harmful to oneself.
CLOSE-MINDEDNESS: The state of being unwilling to consider the suggestions or explanations of others as possible or feasible with regard to one’s self.
CLOUDS: Anything that distorts our ability to see or distinguish reality.
COME TO BELIEVE: The process through which one develops their system of belief about a Higher Power.
COMMITMENT: To pledge one’s self to a certain course of action.
COMMON BOND: Recovery from addiction.
COMMON DENOMINATOR: Our failure to come to terms with our addiction prior to coming to NA.
COMMON WELFARE: Our individual survival is directly related to the survival of the group and the Fellowship.
COMMUNICATE: To make known.
COMPASSION: The state of deep awareness and sympathy for and a desire to help another who is suffering.
COMPEL: To make someone do something by the use of physical, moral, or mental pressure.
COMPLACENCY: A feeling extreme calm and satisfaction with one’s life or situations that hinders the process of seeking change.
COMPREHEND: To understand fully.
COMPROMISING: To reach an agreement over a dispute with all parties changing or giving up some demands
COMPULSION: Once having started the process with one fix, one pill, or one drink we cannot stop through our own power of will.
COMPULSIVE: The state of acting on a compulsion.
CONCEDE: The admission of truthfulness of something.
CONCEIVABLE: The state of being possible to conceive, imagine, or understand.
CONCERN: A caring condition shown by a willingness to help others.
CONCEPT: An idea that is generally accepted.
CONCLUSION: A final decision that is reached by reasoning or the ending of something.
CONDEMN: To declare to be wrong.
CONDITION: Something that is agreed upon as necessary if some other thing is to take place.
CONDUCTING: Choosing to behave in a certain manner.
CONFIDENCE: A feeling of trust and belief.
CONFRONT: To face or meet issues that occur in our lives, simply and without hostility.
CONFUSED: Experiencing a mental fog or feeling uncertain.
CONFUSION: The state of being confused.
CONSCIOUS: The mental awareness of facts or one’s inner feelings.
CONSEQUENCE: The result of an action.
CONSISTENT: Sticking to one way of thinking or acting.
CONTENTMENT: Freedom from worry or restlessness.
CONTINUE: To do the same thing without changing or stopping.
CONTRADICT: To deny the truth of a statement.
CONTRARY: The state of being opposed or unwilling to obey or behave well.
CONTRIBUTE: Giving along with others to have a share in something.
CONTROL: To have power over.
CONVINCE: To argue with someone to convince them to agree with or believe in certain things.
COPE: To struggle with or try to manage something.
CORE: The central or innermost part of something.
COURAGE: The strength of mind that makes one able to meet danger and difficulties with firmness.
CREED: A statement of a set of guiding rules or beliefs, usually of a religious faith.
CRITICAL: Being inclined to criticize especially in an unfavorable way.
CRUCIAL: Being necessary to accomplish something.
CULT: A select group of people recognize by its exclusive nature.
CURE: The complete elimination of a disease.
DAILY: Occurring, done, produces, or issued every day.
DANGEROUS: Anything that is able to or likely to cause injury.
DECEIT: Misleading a person or causing them to believe that which is false with a statement or act.
DECEPTION: The statement or act that deceives.
DECISION: The act of making a choice.
DECLARATION: The act of making a statement as if certain.
DECLARE: To make a statement as if certain.
DEFAME: To maliciously attack the reputation of another.
DEFECTS: Things that we determine are interfering with our process of recovery.
DEFIANT: Showing a willingness to resist.
DEGRADATION: The state of being lowered from one level to a lower level.
DELUSION: A false belief that we continue to hold in spite of the facts.
DEMOLITION: The act of ruining completely.
DEMORALIZATION: The act of weakening the discipline or spirit of a person.
DENIAL: The refusal to admit the truth of a statement or the refusal to accept or believe in someone or something.
DENY: To declare something not true or disowning something.
DEPEND: Trust and reliance on others.
DEPENDENT: A person who depends upon another for support to an unhealthy degree.
DEPRAVITY: An act or practice that is morally bad or corrupt.
DEPRESSION: Low spirits, a common by-product of addiction common during withdrawal.
DERELICTION: The neglect of or failure in meeting personal responsibilities.
DESIRE: A strong wish made known.
DESPAIR: A feeling of complete hopelessness.
DESPERATION: The state of feeling complete hopelessness that leads to recklessness.
DESTRUCTION: The act of putting an end to something or the results of such acts.
DEVELOP: To make the possibilities more clear and usable gradually.
DILEMMA: A situation in which a person must choose between things that seem to be all bad or unsatisfactory.
DIRECT: Going from one point to another without turning or stopping.
DIRECTION: The path along which something moves, lies, or points.
DISAGREEMENT: The act or fact of having unlike ideas or opinions.
DISASTER: Something that happens suddenly and causes suffering or loss.
DISCLOSURE: The act of making known.
DISCRETION: The power of having good sense in making decisions for oneself.
DISEASE: A change in a person that interferes with normal functioning.
DISAPPOINTMENT: The act or condition of failing to satisfy the hope or expectation of.
DISHONESTY: The lack of honesty or the quality of not being honest or trustworthy.
DISILLUSION: To free from mistaken beliefs or foolish hopes.
DISQUALIFY: To make or declare something unfit or not qualified.
DISSEMBLING: The process of revealing parts of something in a particular manner to give a specific interpretation of the facts.
DISTORT: To tell in a way that is misleading.
DISTRACTING: Drawing someone’s mind or attention to something else or upsetting someone’s mind to the point of confusion.
DISTURBING: Making confused or troubling the mind.
DIVERSITY: The condition or fact of not being the same and the qualities that distinguish our differences.
DIVINE: Of or relating to God or a god.
DOGMA: Something firmly believed.
DOMINATED: The state of someone or something having a commanding position or controlling power over one’s self.
DYNAMIC: Full of energy.
DYNAMICS: Any of the various forces, physical or moral, at work in a situation.
EAGER: Desiring very much, impatient.
EAGERLY: Acting with great desire, impatiently.
EFFICIENCY: The quality or degree of being capable of bringing about a desired result with as little waste as possible.
EFFORT: A serious attempt.
EGO: The individual’s awareness of self that used to control us in all sorts of subtle ways.
EGOCENTRIC: Viewing everything in relation to oneself.
EMBARRASED: Feeling confused or distressed.
EMBARRASMENT: The state of causing or feeling confused or distressed or those things that cause confusion or distress.
EMOTIONS: Mental and bodily reactions accompanied by strong feelings.
EMOTIONAL: Expressing emotion.
EMPATHY: Having an intellectual or emotional identification with another.
EMPTINESS: Containing nothing.
ENCOURAGE: To give courage, spirit, or hope to another.
ENCOURAGEMENT: The act of, the state of, or things giving courage, spirit, or hope.
ENDANGERED: The state of being or that which is at risk.
ENDORSE: To give one’s support to something.
ENDURE: To put up with patiently or firmly, such as pain.
ENEMIES: Something or someone that harms or threatens.
ENTHUSIASM: A strong feeling in favor of something.
ENTIRELY: Completely.
ENVY: The feeling of discontent at another’s good fortune with a desire to have the same good fortune for one’s self.
EQUAL: One having the same rank as another.
ESOTERIC: Understood by only a chosen few.
ESSENTIAL: Forming or belonging to the basic part of something.
EVENTUALLY: Coming at some later time.
EVIDENT: Clear to the sight or to the mind.
EXACT: Showing close agreement with fact, accurate.
EXAMINE: To question or look at closely or carefully.
EXCEPT: To leave out from the whole, exclude.
EXERT: To put one’s self into action or a tiring effort, struggle.
EXHAUST: To tire out or deplete one’s resources.
EXIST: To continue to live.
EXISTENCE: The state of being alive
EXPECTATION: A desire that one places upon himself or another to accomplish.
EXPERIENCE: Something that one has actually done or lived through.
EXPOSURE: An act of making something known publicly.
EXTERNAL: Something situated on the outside of or related to the outside of a thing.
EXTREME: Something as far as possible from a center or its opposite.
FAILED: Having been unsuccessful.
FAILURE: A lack of success or a person who fails.
FAITH: An individual’s system of beliefs.
FAULTS: Weaknesses in character.
FEAR: A strong unpleasant feeling cause by being aware of danger or expecting something bad to happen.
FEARLESS: Taking necessary actions in the midst of one’s fears.
FEEBLE: Lacking in strength or endurance.
FEELINGS: The state of a person’s emotions.
FELLOWSHIP: A group with similar interests or goals.
FESTER: To become painfully sore.
FIRM: Showing no weakness.
FOCUS: The center of activity or interest.
FOCUSED: The state of being in the center of activity or interest.
FONDNESS: The state of liking or loving something.
FOREVER: For a limitless time.
FORGIVE: To stop feeling angry at or hurt by.
FORGIVENESS: The act of forgiving or the state of being forgiven.
FORMAL: Following established form custom, or rule.
FORTUNE: Favorable results that come partly by chance.
FOUNDATION: The support upon which something depends.
FRACTURED: Damaged or injured.
FREEDOM: The condition of being released from or no longer suffering from something unpleasant or painful.
FRIEND: A person who has a strong liking for and trust in another person.
FRIGHTENED: Experiencing fear.
FRUSTRATION: The feeling of disappointment or defeat.
FUNCTION: To serve a certain purpose.
GENDER: Either of the two divisions of living things especially human beings, male and female.
GENUINE: Being just what it seems to be.
GIFTS: Things which are given.
GIVING: Handing over with the expectation of it being kept.
GOAL: That which a person tries to accomplish.
GOD: A being conceived of as supernatural, immortal, and having special powers over people and nature.
GOD-AWARENESS: The mental acceptance of or belief in God.
GOODNESS: The state of being honest and upright.
GRAFTED: To join one thing to another.
GRATIFICATION: The act of, the state of, or something giving pleasure or satisfaction to.
GRATIFY: To give pleasure or satisfaction to.
GRATITUDE: The state of being consciously thankful for the things in one’s life.
GRIEF: Very deep sorrow.
GRIM: Harsh in appearance.
GROUND: To instruct in basic knowledge or understanding.
GROUP CONSCIENCE: The process of polling how our members feel in order for our groups to make decisions about the things that affect our members and the Fellowship.
GROUPS: Addicts who come together to have recovery meetings.
GROWTH: The process of being able to live and develop.
GUIDANCE: The act of showing the way.
GUIDE: A person who leads, directs, or shows the right way.
GUIDELINES: A written set of rules or principles that provide boundaries and guidance necessary to practicing appropriate behavior.
GUILT: The fact or feeling of having done something wrong that causes one to feel shame or regret.
H . . .
HABIT: A way of acting or doing that has become fixed by being repeated often.
HAPPEN: To occur or come about by chance.
HAPPINESS: The state of enjoying one’s condition, content.
HARMED: the state of having physical or mental damage.
HEAL: To return to a sound or healthy condition.
HEARTILY: With sincerity or enthusiasm.
HELP: To provide someone with what is useful in achieving an end.
HELPLESSNESS: Not able to help or protect oneself.
HIGHER: Greater than average, having more that usual importance.
HIT: Occur.
HONEST: Not given to cheating, stealing, or lying.
HOPE: A desire for something together with the expectation of getting what is wanted.
HOPELESS: Having no hope.
HOPELESSNESS: The condition of having no hope.
HORRIBLE: Causing great and painful fear, dread, or shock.
HORROR: Great and painful fear, dread, or shock.
HOSTAGE: A person given or held to make certain that promises will be kept.
HOSTILITY: An unfriendly state, attitude, or action.
HUG: Encircling another with our arms, embrace.
HUMAN: Of, relating to, being, or characteristic of people as distinct from lower animals.
HUMBLE: Accepting one’s self as one actually is.
HUMBLY: Asking or doing with humility.
HUMILITY: The state of being humble.
I . . .
I: The person speaking or writing.
IDEAL: A standard of perfection, beauty, or excellence.
IDENTIFICATION: The act of or state of being exactly alike or equal.
IDENTIFY: To think of as being exactly alike or equal.
IDLE: To spend time doing nothing.
IGNORANCE: The state of not knowing.
IGNORING: Paying no attention to.
ILLNESS: Sickness.
ILLUSION: The state or fact of being led to accept as true something unreal or imagined.
IMPLY: To express indirectly, suggest rather than state plainly.
IMPROVE: To make or become better.
IMPULSE: A sudden stirring up of the mind and spirit to do something.
INABILITY: The condition of being unable to do something.
INCAPABLE: Not able to do something.
INCLINATION: A usually favorable feeling toward something.
INCONSIDERATE: Careless of the rights or feelings of others.
INCORPORATING: Joining or uniting closely into a single mass or body.
INCREASE: To make or become greater.
INCURABLE: Impossible to cure.
INDEPENDENCE: The quality or state of not being under the control or rule of someone or something.
INDICATION: The act of stating or expressing briefly.
INDIFFERENT: Showing neither interest or dislike.
INDIRECT: Not having a plainly seen connection.
INFERIOR: Of little or less importance, value, or merit.
INFLUENCES: The act of, the person who, or something that has the power of producing an effect without apparent force or direct authority.
INJURE: To cause pain or harm to.
INNERMOST: Farthest inward.
INSANITY: Repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results.
INSECURITY: The state of not feeling or being safe.
INSIDIOUS: More dangerous than seems evident.
INSIGHT: The power or act of seeing what’s really important about a situation.
INSTANT: Happening or done at once.
INSTRUMENT: A way of getting something done.
INTANGIBLE: Not possible to think of as matter or substance.
INTEGRITY: Total honesty and sincerity.
INTENSELY: Having very strong feelings.
INTENSITY: The degree or amount of a quality or condition.
INTENTIONALLY: Acting on a determination to act in a particular way.
INTENTIONS: A determination to act in a particular way.
INTOLERANT: Not putting up with something that one sees as being harmful or bad.
INVENTORY: The act or process of making a list of items or such items.
INVOLVEMENT: Being drawn into a situation.
ISOLATION: The act or condition of placing or keeping oneself apart from others.
ISSUE: What finally happens.
J . . .
JEALOUSY: Demanding complete faithfulness to someone or something.
JOURNEY: Going from one place to another.
JUDGE: Form an opinion after careful consideration or a person with the experience to give a meaningful opinion.
JUDGEMENTAL: Having an opinion or estimate formed by examining and comparing.
JUSTIFY: A character defect that is demonstrated in efforts to prove or show to be just, right, or reasonable.
K . . .
KINDNESS: The quality or state of wanting or liking to do good and to bring happiness to others.
KNOWLEDGE: Understanding and skill gained by experience.
L . . .
LEND: To give to someone usually for an agreed time period.
LIABILITIES: Something that works to one’s disadvantage.
LIMITATIONS: The quality or act of having a point beyond which a person or thing cannot go.
LIMITLESS: Having no limits.
LITERATURE: Written works having excellence of form or expression and ideas of lasting and widespread interest.
LONELINESS: The state of feeling alone.
LOVABLE: Deserving of love.
LOVING: To feel warm affection for and show it.
M . . .
MAINTAIN: Keep in a particular or desired state.
MAINTENANCE: All that is necessary to keep something in a particular or desired state.
MANAGE: To achieve what one wants to do.
MANIFEST: Clear to the senses or to the mind, easy to recognize.
MANIPULATING: Managing skillfully especially with the intent to deceive.
MANNERISMS: Habits (such as looking or moving in a certain way) that one notices in a person’s behavior.
MEANINGLESS: Having no meaning or importance.
MEDITATE: To spend time in quiet thinking.
MEDITATION: The act or instance of meditating.
MEMBER: One of the individuals making up a group.
MEMBERSHIP: Participating fully as a member.
MENTAL: Of or related to the mind and specific thought patterns.
MINDED: Greatly interested in a specific thing.
MIRACLE: An extraordinary, rare, unusual, or wonderful event taken as a sign of the power of God.
MISERY: Suffering or distress due to being poor, in pain, or unhappy.
MODERATE: Neither very good nor very bad or neither too much nor too little.
MONOTONOUS: Boring from always being the same.
MOOD-ALTERING: That which changes one’s state or frame of mind.
MORAL: Concerned with or relating to those things that a given society defines as right and wrong in human behavior.
MOTIVATE: The act of providing someone with a reason for doing something.
MOTIVE: The reason for doing something.
MUST: A requirement.
N . .
NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS: A Twelve-step fellowship or society of men and women seeking recovery from the disease of addiction.
NATURE: The basic character of a person or thing.
NECESSARY: Needing to be had or done.
NEGATIVE: Not positive.
NEWCOMER: One recently arrived, beginner.
NONPROFESSIONAL: Members are simply addicts of equal status freely helping one another regardless of personal professional status.
NONSENSE: Foolish or meaningless words, actions, or things of no importance or value.
O . . .
OBLIVION: An act of forgetting or the fact o having forgotten.
OBSESSION: A disturbing or fixed and often unreasonable idea or feeling that cannot be put out of the mind such as resuming the use of drugs to feel better.
OBSTINATE: Sticking stubbornly to an opinion or purpose that is difficult to overcome or remove.
OBVIOUS: Easily found, seen, or understood.
OMNIPOTENCE: The state of having power or authority without limit.
ONGOING: Being in progress or movement.
ONLY: A single fact or instance and nothing more or different.
OPEN: Generally, refers to a type of recovery meeting at which non-addicts are permitted to attend and observe a meeting in which participation remains open only to self-admitted addicts.
OPEN-MINDEDNESS: Having a mind that is open to new ideas.
OPINION: A belief based on experience and on seeing certain facts but not amounting to sure knowledge.
ORIENTED: Becoming acquainted with an existing situation or environment.
OTHERS: Those people around the specific person that is the center of attention, generally includes one’s self.
OUR: Of or relating to us, both individually and collectively.
OUTRAGEOUS: Going far beyond what is accepted as right, decent, or just.
OVERPOWERING: To subdue by being too strong or forceful.
OWN: Belonging to oneself or itself.
P . . .
PANIC: A sudden overpowering fear especially without reasonable cause.
PARADOX: A statement that seems to be the opposite of the truth or of common sense and yet is perhaps true.
PARALLEL: Having agreement in many or most details.
PARANOIA: A mental disorder characterized by systemized delusions such as grandeur or especially persecution.
PATIENT: Putting up with pain or troubles without complaint while showing calm self-control.
PATTERNS: Those things that are clear to ourselves and others because of their repetitive occurrences.
PEACE: The freedom from upsetting thoughts or feelings.
PERCEIVE: To become aware of or understand through one’s senses and especially through sight.
PERCEPTION: The grasping of something such as meanings and ideas with one’s mind or a judgement formed from information grasped.
PERISH: To become destroyed or die.
PERSEVERENCE: The state or power of one who keeps trying to do something in spite of difficulties.
PERSISTENT: Continuing to act or exist longer than usual.
PERSONAL: Relating to a particular person or their qualities.
PERSONALITY: The qualities such as moods or habits that make one person different from others.
PITFALL: A danger or difficulty that is hidden or is not easily recognized.
PLAGUED: Stricken or afflicted with disease or distress.
POSSIBLE: Within the limits of one’s abilities.
POTENTIAL: Existing as a possibility.
POWER: Possession of control, authority, or influence over.
POWERLESSNESS: The state or acceptance of feeling that one has no control, authority, or influence over something.
PRACTICAL: Of or relating to action and practice rather than ideas or thought.
PRACTICE: Actual performance.
PRAYER: A request addressed to God.
PRECONCEIVED: Already being in the state of having formed an idea of, imagining, or understanding.
PRELIMINARY: Something that comes before the main part.
PREPARATION: The act of making ready beforehand for some special reason.
PRIDE: Too high an opinion of one’s own worth that results in a feeling of being better than others.
PRIMARY: Most important.
PRINCIPLES: A general or basic truth on which other truths or theories can be based.
PRIVILEGE: A right or liberty granted.
PROCESS: A series of actions, motions, or operations leading to some result such as practicing the principles in the Steps.
PROCRASTINATION: To put off doing something until later.
PRODUCTIVE: Having the power to produce plentifully.
PROFOUND: Feeling deeply or showing great knowledge and understanding.
PROGRAM: The plan of action that one follows and the tools that we use to achieve a goal such as the Twelve Steps and Traditions.
PROGRESS: To move toward a higher, better, or more advanced stage.
PROGRESSIVE: Taking place gradually and consistently.
PROJECTION: To place one’s own expectations and desires in place of what is actually happening.
PROMISE: A statement by a person as to what they will or will not do.
PROMOTION: An effort to help NA move up in our public image, position or rank by the use of promises. NA’s public image consists of what we have to offer, a successful proven way of maintaining a drug-free lifestyle.
PROMPTLY: Done at once.
PROTECTED: Covered or shielded from something that would destroy or injure.
PROVEN: Convincing others of the truth of something by showing the facts.
PURPOSE: Something set up a goal to be achieved.
PURSUED: To follow with an end in view.
Q . . .
QUESTION: Something asked.
QUINTESSENTIAL: The most perfect manifestations of a quality or a thing.
R . . .
RACE: One of the three, four, or five great divisions based on easily seen thing such as skin color into which human beings are usually divided.
RATIONALIZATION: Finding believable but untrue reasons for one’s conduct.
REACTION: A response of the body or mind to a stimulus such as a situation or stress.
READINESS: The state of being prepared for use or action.
READY: Prepared for use or action.
REALITY: Actual existence.
REALM: The field of activity or influence.
REBELLION: Open opposition to authority.
RECAPTURED: To experience again.
RECEIVE: To take or get something that is given, paid, or sent.
RECIPROCAL: Done, felt, or given in return.
RECKLESS: The state of being given to wild careless behavior.
RECOGNITION: The act or state of being willing to acknowledge.
RECOGNIZE: To be willing to acknowledge.
RECOVERY: The act, process, or an instance of regaining normal health, self-confidence, or position.
REGRET: Sorrow aroused by events beyond one’s control.
REGULARLY: Steadily in practice or occurrence while following established usages or rules.
RELAPSE: To slip or fall back into a former condition after a change for the better such as using drugs again.
RELATIONSHIP: A state of being connected by a common bond.
RELIEVING: Freeing partly or wholly from a burden or distress.
RELIGION: The service or worship of God.
RELY: To place faint or confidence in someone or something.
REMAIN: To be something yet to be done or considered.
REMORSE: Deep regret for one’s sins or for acts that wrong others.
REMOVE: To get rid of.
RENEW: To make, do, or begin again.
REPARATION: The act of making up for a wrong.
REPRIEVE: To delay the punishment or the consequences of one’s actions.
REQUIRED: Necessary.
RESENTMENT: A feeling of angry displeasure at a real or imaginary wrong, insult, or injury.
RESERVATIONS: The act of keeping something available for future use.
RESPECT: To consider worthy of high regard.
RESPONSIBLE: Having the credit or blame for one’s acts or decisions.
RESTORATION: The act of being put or brought back into an earlier or original state.
RESULTS: Something that comes about as an effect or end of.
REVEAL: To show clearly.
REVERT: To go back.
RIDICULE: To make fun of.
RIGHTEOUSNESS: The state of doing or being what is right.
RIGOROUS: Hard to put up with, harsh.
RISK: Possibility of loss or injury.
ROOT: Source.
SANCTION: Approval.
SEARCHING: To go through thoroughly in an effort to find something.
SELF-ABSORPTION: Great interest or engrossment in one’s own interests, affairs, etc.
SELF-APPRAISAL: Estimating the quality of one’s own life.
SELF-ASSESMENT: Estimating the quality of one’s own life.
SELF-CENTERED: Concerned only with one’s own affairs, selfish.
SELF-ESTEEM: Belief in oneself.
SELFISHNESS: Taking care of oneself without thought for others.
SELF-PITY: Pity for oneself.
SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS: Being strongly convinced of the rightness of one’s actions or beliefs.
SELF-SEEKING: Seeking to mainly further one’s own interest.
SENSITIVE: Easily or strongly affected, impressed, or hurt.
SERVICE: Doing the right thing for the right reason.
SETBACK: A slowing of progress, a temporary defeat.
SHAME: A painful emotion caused by having done something wrong or improper.
SHARE: Belonging to one person.
SHARING: To use, experience, or enjoy with others.
SHORTCOMING: The acting out on a character defect.
SHY: Not wanting or able to call attention to oneself because of not feeling comfortable around people.
SINCERELY: Being what it appears to be, genuine.
SOLUTION: The act, process, or result of finding an answer.
SOURCE: The cause or starting point of something.
SPIRIT: A force within a human being thought to give the body life, energy, and power or the active presence of God in human life.
SPIRITUAL: Of, relating to, or consisting of spirit not material.
SPOILS: Stolen goods.
SPONSOR: Another recovering addict who can guide one through the Steps and Traditions.
STAGNATE: To become inactive.
STEADFAST: Unchanging, loyal.
STRENGTH: The quality of being strong.
SUBCONSCIOUS: Occurring with little or no conscious perception on the part of the individual
SUBSEQUENT: Following in time, order, or place.
SUBSTITUTION: The act, process, or thing that takes the place of something else.
SUCCESSION: A series of persons or things that follow one after another.
SUFFER: To experience something unpleasant, bear loss or damage.
SUFFERING: The state or experience of one that suffers.
SUFFICIENT: Enough to achieve a goal or fill a need.
SUGGEST: To offer as an idea.
SUICIDE: The act of killing oneself purposefully.
SUPERIOR: Feeling that one is more important than others.
SUPPORT: To keep going, sustain.
SUPPRESS: To put down, subdue.
SURRENDER: The act of giving up or yielding oneself or something into the possession or control of someone else.
SURVIVE: To remain alive.
SYMPTOMS: Noticeable changes in the body or its functions that are typical of a disease.
SYSTEMATICALLY: Carrying out a plan with thoroughness or regularity.
T . . .
TEMPERED: Made into a more useful state.
TEMPTATIONS: That which makes one think of doing wrong.
TENSIONS: A state of mental unrest.
TERMINAL: Resulting in the end of life.
TERRIFIED: Frightened greatly.
THANKFULNESS: Feeling grateful or showing thanks.
THOROUGH: Careful about little things.
THRASHING: To move about violently.
THREAT: A showing of an intention to do harm.
TOLERANCE: Sympathy for or acceptance of feelings or habits which are different from one’s own.
TOLERANT: Showing tolerance.
TOPIC: The focus of discussion.
TORTUROUS: Having many twists and turns.
TRADITION: One of the set of twelve principles which help us live.
TRAITS: Qualities that set one person or thing off from another.
TRUST: Firm belief in the character, strength, or truth of someone or something.
TRUSTWORTHY: Deserving trust and confidence.
U . . .
UNCONDITIONAL: Without any special exceptions.
UNDERLYING: Forming the foundation of.
UNDERSTANDING: Knowing thoroughly or having reason to believe.
UNIFORMITY: The quality, state, or an instance of having always the same form, manner, or degree – not changing.
UNIQUE: Being the only one of its kind.
UNITY: The state of those who are in full agreement.
UNLIMITED: Having no restrictions or controls.
UNMANAGEABLE: Hard or impossible to manage.
UNPARALLELED: Having no equal.
URGENCY: The quality or state of calling for immediate action.
USELESSNESS: The feeling of being of or having no use.
USERS: One who consumes as drugs.
V . . .
VARIOUS: Of different kinds.
VICTIM: A person who is cheated, fooled, or hurt by another.
VIGILANCE: Staying alert especially to possible danger.
VIGILANT: Alert specially to avoid danger.
VIGOROUS: Having strength or energy of body or mind.
VIOLENT: Showing very strong force.
VIRTUE: A desirable quality such as truth.
VOID: Containing nothing.
Z . . .
ZEAL: Eager desire to get something done or see something succeed.